200 kW 4-Jet pelton turbine manufactured in the UK
Installation of 4 x 22 MW Francis runners
Powerhouse tailrace on completion of the 4 turbines
Rehabilitation of 10 spillway gates, each capable to pass 850 m3/s
Surveys and full Feasibility Study for 2 MW Hydro
Evaluation of 1 MW low head hydro project for UNIDO
Rehabilitation of 6 intake screens for 3 x 1.8 MW Kaplan turbines
Overview of upstream supply from Bhogra Canal
Visit to 4 schemes for UNIDO
Full feasibility of 8 MW mini-hydro project
Preparations for GEF financing of 3 MW of Hydro for UNIDO
Scoping study for 100kW hydro on an existing weir
Development of screening for 440 kW dual axial flow turbines on the River Serven
Technical feasibility study for a high head 55 kW hydro in Corwen
Former watermill with potential for small-hydro
Baffles installed alongside 13.5kW screw turbine